Restorative Care
The Restorative Care program at Verland is designed to treat individuals who have various cognitive, musculoskeletal, and neurological pathologies.
The Restorative Care Aides dovetail skilled rehabilitative treatments with functional, maintenance-based interventions. Our Aides are trained to use various pieces of therapeutic and durable medical equipment to address skill-based goals, such as standers, mat tables, tilt tables, gait trainers, and durable medical equipment. Once individuals achieve a desired level of independence in function, such as walking, self-feeding, dressing, or balancing, Restorative Care aims to maintain such client function and quality of life. In addition to carrying over skilled clinical therapies, Restorative Care is very helpful in identifying and remediating emerging musculoskeletal conditions before they adversely affect function.
Restorative Care may be provided in the Adult Training Facility classrooms, in the individual’s home, or in the dedicated therapy spaces. Programming consists of assisting individuals with passive and active range of motion of both upper and lower extremities. This intervention approach leads to emotional and physical benefits, as range of motion improves muscle lengthening, blood circulation, and positioning. In addition, individuals receive one-to-one attention and meaningful engagement in function-based tasks. Individuals love moving with the staff and developing various skills, like riding modified bikes, completing vocational tasks, and fine-tuning gross and fine motor skills through games. Restorative Care has proven effective for individuals who are ambulatory, semi-ambulatory, and mobilize via wheelchair.

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severe/profound intellectual and physical disabilities.