Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy services at Verland emphasize a maximum level of participation and independence in upper-extremity range of motion, activities of daily living, social and cognitive engagement, as well as self-regulation needed across environments.
Through careful assessment, the Occupational Therapist (OT) determines the individual’s rehabilitation potential for achieving goals related to fine motor, gross motor, cognitive, and sensorimotor skills.
Our OT is proficient in adapting environmental and contextual setups to meet the sensory and physical needs of our clients. Each individual’s ability to maintain a state of arousal, safety, and comfort is an important factor in facilitating meaningful engagement in the Adult Training Facility and in their homes. The OT works closely with our Restorative Care Aides and staff to carry out programming needed to generalize skills gained through formal outpatient and maintenance-based therapies. In addition, the OT ensures proper positioning and equipment use at mealtimes, during toileting, and while bathing.
Our OT is actively involved in Verland’s regularly-scheduled orthotics and neuromuscular rehabilitation clinics that occur throughout the year. Outside preferred providers collaborate with the OT to establish the most clinically appropriate and functional splinting and positioning programs to yield the greatest therapeutic benefit for each individual.

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severe/profound intellectual and physical disabilities.